Environment Questions to Croydon MP candidates for the General Election 2024
Instead of a hustings, we contacted the 4 main political parties who are standing candidates in Croydon North & Streatham, Croydon East, Croydon West and Croydon South.
Q1 - Will you, if elected, agree to meet with representatives from the Croydon Green Network three months after the election so that we can follow up on your party’s commitments? Please could each MP candidate answer YES or NO.
Please state the Conservative/Green/Labour/Liberal Democrat commitments to the following in no more than 100 words for each question.
Q2 - What are your party’s commitments to developing a new Climate Plan that will meet our climate targets to cut CO2 emissions by 2/3 by 2030 and share the costs and benefits fairly?
Q3 - What are your party’s commitments to growing the UK’s renewable energy in general and Croydon Community Energy in particular?
Q4 - What are your party’s commitments to fixing the UK and Croydon’s heat leaking homes?
Q5 - What are your party’s commitments to clean water - ending the sewage scandal, cleaning up Croydon’s River Wandle & other local rivers and taking action to prevent local flooding?
Q6 - What are your party’s commitments to clean air - ending the breaches in emission standards from the Viridor Beddington Energy Recovery Facility, where our waste is incinerated, and bringing down harmful levels of nitrogen dioxide and PM 2.5 pollutants in Croydon in line with World Health Organisation guidelines?
Q7 - What are your party’s commitments to protecting and enhancing biodiversity nationally and in Croydon, increasing tree cover in the 70% of Croydon neighbourhoods that have less than 10% and increasing accessible green space in Croydon West where there is poor access and only 11 square metres of green space per person?